Pony Pigs & Her Unruly Hair {The Ordinary Moments #4}

pony pigs pony tails bunches

pony pigs pony tails bunches

Roma is wild, her character is wild, her sleep pattern is wild, she has always just been a little unruly and I love that about her (apart from the sleep I really do not love that!) But this goes for her hair too. She was born with the same dark mop of hair as her sister before her and when that baby hair dissipated as it does what replaced it was a rather surprising head of light blonde hair with ringlet curls to boot.

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Days At Home {The Ordinary Moments #2}

Days at home

Days at home

Roma and I spend a lot of days at home. Of course we have the school run, we go on trips to the park, the marina, there are plenty of outdoor adventures to be had. In fact she is quite a physical and outdoors child given the choice and at the weekends we are rarely in the house for very long, but in the week, when the school run is done there is just me and Roma and that time is spent firmly right here, at home.

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Loving The January Slump {The Ordinary Moments #1}

January Slump

January Slump

January, the month that universally seems to bring out the blues. Blue Monday, big expectations of new year new you, big plans and twinges of sadness. Where everyone seems to be complaining that it’s cold and dark and wondering when spring will arrive. That they have no money and it’s such a let down time after the magic that is Christmas. Wishing for it to be over.

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