A Little Lady and Her Love For Her Chickens {The Ordinary Moments #9)

We have chickens, two hens that live at the back of our garden called Lily and Pad! We have had them now for 2 years (well actually not the exact same ones after an unfortunate fox incident one night, poor Silly and Billy). Originally they were an Easter present for E – hence the namesĀ – and at the time she really liked them. R though is absolutely fascinated, she undeniably loves them. At just 12 months I would go as far as saying she is a little bit obsessed!

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Daddy Love {The Ordinary Moments #7}

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Our week has been a mixed one, E had her tonsils and adenoids removed and grommets inserted on Monday and unfortunately that very same day R came down with a sickness bug which has spanned most of the week. The Mr had decided to take the whole week off work to be here for E and honestly I could not have got through this week without him.

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Quality Time {The Ordinary Moments #6}

A Little Yellow Coat


When pregnant with R, the one thing I was looking forward to more than anything else was watching E become a sibling and indeed watching them together and their bond grow. I have to say it has so far been more wonderful than I ever thought possible. 12 months on and it’s almost like she has always been here. I did however also wonder how I would feel about sharing my time with E, the time we had 4 whole years to get used to being together. We have always been a team me and E, just us in the week and then three with Daddy. Quality time.

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