World Book Day Ideas

World Book Day…

if you’re anything like me you have all the plans, all the screenshots, Pinterest boards and excited conversations. “Please Mum can I dress as *insert random character you have never heard or intricate design ideas too big for a 7 year olds boots here* for World Book Day” Then before you know it you are just about getting into the new year groove, wishing warmer weather to arrive and here we are staring down the barrel of another World Book Day. Already! Plans still exactly that. Plans!

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World Book Day – Miss Honey

World Book Day Outfit Miss Honey Matilda Roald Dahl

World Book Day Outfit Miss Honey Matilda Roald Dahl

Ok so firstly I know that it was World Book Day two weeks ago therefore this post will for sure not be helpful until maybe next year when people much more organised than me start to plan these things! (Side note, I did used to be one of those super organised people, no judgement there…maybe just a little envy!) In my defence though it was postponed due to the snow and I have seen so many posts shared across the last two weeks that it almost makes it feel ok. 

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