Sisters – February {Siblings}


I am a little late writing this post. I had grand plans of taking some photo’s and writing over the weekend yet here I sit Monday morning at the computer! The Mr headed off to work at 7.30am as usual after a week off, frost on the ground and leaving a sleeping family behind the locked door. Not before he had made milk and tea for us and got breakfast out and ready though.

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Daddy Love {The Ordinary Moments #7}

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Our week has been a mixed one, E had her tonsils and adenoids removed and grommets inserted on Monday and unfortunately that very same day R came down with a sickness bug which has spanned most of the week. The Mr had decided to take the whole week off work to be here for E and honestly I could not have got through this week without him.

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Did we choose the right school?


My eldest Little Lady E started school in September. This journey as any parent of a school age child knows started almost a whole year before, when at 3 years old she seemed too little to even contemplate school 5 days a week. Yet as parents we are supposed to be able to choose a school for them, for a person they have not yet become, to start their learning journey.

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