My eldest Little Lady E is a mummy’s girl. She always has been and whilst she loves her dad, she needs me. At 5 years old she will still stick to my side in almost all scenarios and even at home is more often than not found in the same room that I am. Usually with a part of her body touching mine or as near as damn it! So close in fact that sometimes I have to remind her to give me some space. Totally aware of this, she is very mature and also knows too well that I may have to rush off and save R from whatever mischief she has found upon. As even at just 11 months R is definitely showing signs she will be somewhat different to her big sister and can usually been seen running as far as she can get away with!! But given the choice E would be right there with me, wherever that may be.
Little Ladies Big World
These boots are made for walking {The Ordinary Moments #3}
My Littlest Lady R is very physical. A stark contrast to her big sister and a steep learning curve for me. I don’t know if it is the influence of seeing a 4 year old day in day out doing things she wishes she could do or it would always just have been her nature. However she sure is in a hurry to rush through life.
Sisters – from the start {Siblings}
I knew the sibling experience would be great, I have siblings, I have sisters. But I never knew just how great it would be to be the mother in this scenario. It is the most exciting thing to witness and be part of and feels like a huge privilege that I get to watch. I just cannot wait to see it evolve. Yes, there will be ups and downs but I hope they are friends, I hope that when they are grown they will need each other, they have each other and they support one another through life. There really is nothing like the sibling relationship. The protection is fierce. Having a sibling is the best.