Me and Mine April Rapeseed Fields

I have absolutely loved this month, April feels like it has been full of family time, full of me and mine. Even though we didn’t go away on holiday at Easter and Eddy actually only had two days off work we still seemed to make the most of it, probably thanks to the abundance of bank holidays I must say, and the Easter half term too of course. Having Eva at home with us is always a highlight of any month that has school holidays in it, it may sound cheesy but I just love having her around with us all of the time, there is something so complete about us when she is there and it feels so free. The holidays seem to change me and the way I look at her every time we have that little break from routine. I feel like I am not trying to squeeze every last moment out of the day, busy getting things done, escaping the room every time they are playing happily together, or looking around and seeing how much they have grown since I last seemed to really look (although it has to be said they are both looking pretty grown up at the moment), we just manage to be in each others company, to surround ourselves with each other and live alongside, and I love the simple ordinary that it allows.

Spring brings with it the milder weather (except the last few days when I have had the fire on again!) and the lighter nights that seem to invite us to make the evenings more of a family event. We have finally been able to open doors and windows and let the outside in, it allows everyone even more space to roam, to explore, to feel free. What spring also brings is the abundance of flowers, with daffodils, rapeseed and bluebells all around, I do wish that mother nature would spread them out a little bit mind, you know, for a blogger and photographer to really eek them out!! I’m slightly cheating this month and choosing two sets of photos taken just a day apart but in completely different surroundings, because how can I not include both when I have no idea if either will be around for next month!

These photos though do seem to sum up April, we have spent so much of it outside whether that be at home in our own garden doing some work and giving it a little makeover, visiting the bluebell woods which might be my favourite place ever or stopping by the side of the road to take photos in the rapeseed that we are lucky to have around every corner at the moment, I could seriously spend all day in them taking photos and I have so many more to share! But as I sit here writing this we are heading into another bank holiday weekend and another chance to squeeze in adventure or family time and I just don’t want to miss it. I can never decide which one is best, to jump in the car and seek out adventure or to sit in the garden and soak in the every day, but hey we have a few days, maybe we can do a little bit of both.


Me and Mine April 2017 Rapeseed Me and Mine April Rapeseed Fields Me and Mine April Rapeseed Fields Me and Mine April Rapeseed Fields Me and Mine April Rapeseed Fields Me and Mine April Bluebell Woods
Me and Mine April Bluebell Woods

And of course the outtakes!

Me and Mine April Rapeseed Fields

Pretty sure the girls are too big for this now, or maybe we are just not strong enough!

Me and Mine April Bluebell Woods Me and Mine April Bluebell Woods Me and Mine April Bluebell Woods Me and Mine April Bluebell Woods

I love Eddy’s face on this one, pretty sure he thinks I am crazy most of the time for insisting we take these photos but I know he will be glad of them in years to come!


Linking with Lucy over at dear beautiful & co
The Me and Mine Project
Show 28 Comments


  1. Love the outtakes… so much fun! I hear you on the holiday togetherness. I often just wish school didn’t exist!! My girls still seem so little to be away for so long!! Gorgeous photos Laura!!

  2. What a stunning collection of photos, I am desperate to get to a field of either but sadly we have none close to us. Hopefully we’ll find one before they disappear. I love the outtakes, your husband looks at you like mine and love that the girls seem to be having fun with it to x

  3. Oh these are beautiful, I LOVE that you’re all co-ordinated in the rapeseed photos! So glad you’ve had a lovely month – here’s hoping the sunny weather returns soon xx

  4. I totally hear you on precious holiday time once kids are at school. We had an extra week with E thanks to chicken pox and it was totally lovely. Days with no agenda and he was home for his brother’s first birthday :0). I’m gonna have to find me a rapeseed field for next month, loving all these sunny yellow me and mine pictures

  5. Since Alice started school April has become a brilliant month because we get to have her for so much of it. Sounds like you’ve made the most of the family time. X

  6. Oh my goodness I love them all! Your photos always inspire me to try harder, I’ve been slacking a bit lately with our me and mine photos x

  7. I absolutely love all of these. Such beautiful backgrounds too! And well done for lifting them up over your heads, Ethan and Logan are younger I think, but still SO heavy, (or I’m just weak) I could barely do it haha! xx

  8. You have such a beautiful family and these pictures are so lovely. Sounds like a brilliant April and I hope that May follows suit! x #MeandMineProject

  9. I love the rapeseed ones but actually I think the ones in the bluebells are my fave – you are all so chilled!! #MeandMineProject xx

  10. My Two Mums

    Aw what lovely shots. I love the outtakes.

  11. Hi five for the bluebells and raised photos! Maybe we should start a support group lol! They are beautiful photos of you all, as always – love the shots of you looking the other day too – gorgeous! xx

  12. So much to love about these beauties. Rapeseed fields and the bluebells all in one. What a glorious month it’s been. Love the blue skies and happy faces. The take outs are the very best too. #meandmineproject

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