My Family Adventures – December

My family Adventures December

My family Adventures December

Wow have we packed alot into this month! December I am sure you will agree is always crazy busy, it’s bustling and so absolutely wonderfully festive that it really doesn’t feel like our feet have hit the floor yet. With Eva in a new school this year, Roma at Nursery and lots of bits and bobs planned (aswell as making a video every day for my Youtube channel) it was always going to be a busy one, but an amazing one too.

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Me and Mine – December 2017

Me and Mine December

Me and Mine December

I feel like in December, the end of the year I should have so many words of wisdom about my family. A whole list of all the things that the year has brought us, an emotional and reflective post from deep within and how December has been magical and amazing. The latter is mostly true but I have to be honest as I sit here on the evening of Eva’s 7th Birthday all I can think is I am glad that is is over!

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Happy 7th Birthday Eva Dee

Happy 7th Birthday Eva Dee

Happy 7th Birthday Eva Dee

Dear Eva

What a year! Every eve of your birthday is special, it is manic and emotional in equal measures and I just cannot stop myself than to look back at photos of you when you were a baby or from years gone by and wonder how it can be another year already. I sit here typing as the tears flow of pure love and utter pride for you and wonderment on how you can be 7 already. It makes Mummy feel old! I say this every single year and know I probably will for as long as I live

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