Sleep Deprivation and Feeling Proud {The Ordinary Moments #22}

Little Ladies Sleep Deprivation

Motherhood is all consuming, it has amazing indescribable highs and crushing lows, sometimes all in one small day. As I sit here it’s Sunday morning and I haven’t blogged for a week. I am not at a loss as what to write, in fact I have lots to say, lots to share, draft posts all over the place and every single night I ‘write’ a post or two in my head as I lie in bed processing the day that is behind me and the one in front. As we end the day, as the evening draws in I always feel motivated to sit and write and have all intentions of doing that once the children are asleep. Now this is where it comes unstuck.

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Pre-Bedtime Cuddles {The Ordinary Moments #21}

Bedtime Cuddles

Bedtime Cuddles

This week has been a very ordinary one, very busy filled with work, school, the Mr working and out alot and me doing plenty of solo parenting and bedtimes, the usual household shopping,  cooking, cleaning and days going by without you even realising it. So ordinary that I contemplated not writing a post this week, that really I had nothing to say and no particular photos to share either.

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The Colour Run {The Ordinary Moments #20}

Colour Run Darley Park

Colour Run Darley Park

Early in the morning as the sun comes up, peaks through the black out blinds and fights its way around the curtains little eyes begin to open, call out for us and we hear small feet clamber out of bed and across the landing. It’s Sunday, the day that pre-children means lazy mornings, lie ins, breakfast in bed and hot coffee and with small children can mean early mornings trying to catch just one more minute in bed, food planning, organizing the week ahead, ironing and homework. Last Sunday however was the kind that E and her daddy had looked forward to for weeks. The kind of day that breeds infectious excitement I want to bottle up and keep forever – or perhaps use on those dark winter mornings where no one wants to go to work or school!

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