Me and Mine – May 2016

Family Photo Me and Mine May 2016

Family Photo Me and Mine May 2016

May has been a really busy month again, life isn’t showing any signs of slowing down and for the most part that is ok, we enjoy times together making memories and sharing our days/weekends with friends and family. Making the most of the every day and this month has been no exception.

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Me and Mine – April 2016

Family Me and Mine

Family Me and Mine

At the moment I really wish time would slow down just a little bit, for life to give me a few more seconds in every minute to really take in the world around me and the people that are in it. I mean how is April over already? I am acutely aware of the days, weeks and months slipping by me and my Little Ladies growing and changing more with each passing moment.

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Me and Mine – March 2016

Me and Mine March


It’s the last day of the month, and time to share photo’s of me and mine. This month has been a long one, not in the sense that it has dragged at all but that we seem to have crammed so much in and looking back it seems to have lasted a long time. So much has changed. It hasn’t been full of anything particularly exciting, no big adventures or trips out that inevitably make time go that little bit faster, just the ordinary every day. Whilst February was very much about spending time together simple family time and being there for each other; March has been about us all as individuals too.

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