Happy 6th Birthday Eva Dee

Happy 6th Birthday Foggy field with balloon

Happy 6th Birthday Foggy field with balloon

Dear Eva

Today, at 3.46pm exactly, you turned 6 years old. 6 whole years since you came into this world, this world that would not be the same without you in it. In fact you pretty much make ours. People say that a baby turns your world upside down but I can tell you that you definitely turned mine the right way up and from that very moment we have been a team.

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Me and Mine – August 2016

Sunset beach family picture france

Sunset beach family picture france

Wow, what a month this has been. August I have to say has been anything but ordinary and probably a month that I will remember fondly for the rest of my life. As I sat down to write last months Me and Mine post we were on the Ferry to France for the start of our big adventure. And now all of a sudden we are on the return leg of our journey and it seems only fitting to be sat once again on the ferry writing this post. Yet now we are not full of excitement of what August may hold, what adventures we could have and how beautiful the beach would be. We are full of happiness, we have the amazing memories we have made along the way and a reinvigorated love of travel.

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An Adult Tonsillectomy and Forced “Me Time”


Two weeks ago today I had a tonsillectomy, and I know it seems strange to refer to an operation as “me time” but you see I am not very good at the whole me time thing. I am so aware of how days, weeks and years fly by with young children that I find myself just wanting to make the most of it, to make their world a perfect place and try to soak up every moment, enjoy it and not miss a single second.

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