The Book Bag {The Ordinary Moments #27}

School book Bag DSC_2990 (2)

There is nothing like an un-ordinary week to remind you that with children, even in the most extraordinary of times there will always be the ordinary, the usual, the mundane. These are the moments I will miss when they pass in the blink of an eye and I can’t remember, and indeed are the moments I have missed this week. I have sat in bed for the past 6 days and missed all the ordinary life going on around me, downstairs, outside, in school. I honestly hate the school run, every single day it surprises me, even as we edge closer to the end of the first year it comes as a shock that I really have to do this every single day and say goodbye to my girl whom I miss so very dearly whilst she is at school all day. I know I shouldn’t say that and I should let her have her time, her day and I do, of course I do but I just miss her terribly.

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Sports Day and a First School Report {The Ordinary Moments #26}

Reception Sports Day

Reception Sports Day

I walk across the field with little soft fingers gripping tightly to one hand, bags, chairs and picnic blanket weighing down the other as I will for those little legs to keep moving onwards to our destination. Not get innocently distracted by another flower to pick up for her sister, the dog that just ran past, the huge slide that given half the chance she runs to and climbs the steps despite being just too small for, or waving to the “pairplane” in the blue sky above.

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School Days & Missing Pre-School {The Ordinary Moments #17}

Teacher Thank you

Teacher Thank you

This week has been a big week for lots of parents, parents waiting to find out if their child has been placed in their first, second or even any of their chosen schools for Primary application. Reading posts, tweets and conversations about it has really brought it all back for me, what we went through at this same time last year. 

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