Me and Mine – December 2017

Me and Mine December

Me and Mine December

I feel like in December, the end of the year I should have so many words of wisdom about my family. A whole list of all the things that the year has brought us, an emotional and reflective post from deep within and how December has been magical and amazing. The latter is mostly true but I have to be honest as I sit here on the evening of Eva’s 7th Birthday all I can think is I am glad that is is over!

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There is Always One – Behind The Scenes Of Me and Mine

Me and Mine Family Photographs The Outtakes

Me and Mine Family Photographs The Outtakes

Every single month we take a family photo, the Me and Mine. I absolutely adore this project started by Lucy at Dear Beautiful purely because otherwise we would probably not have many family photos at all. Realistically though, no-one ever wants to have them taken, no matter what we are doing whether that is big plans, or no plans, the minute I say lets just take some family photos at least one person is less than fully on board.

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